A Pressing Matter

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Garlic bread. Garlic sauce. Garlic in salads. Garlic in pasta. Garlic straight up roasted from the oven. Who doesn’t love garlic (besides vampires)?

This small root vegetable, related to onions and shallots, contains not only a lot of flavor but a lot of health benefits. It’s so delicious, and yet I’ve always found it such a pain to cut up. Mincing is troublesome due to its small size, and the compounds it contains are sticky, which makes it hard to clean off knives and your hands. Ever had that thin garlic paper stick to your fingers while you’re trying to chop it up? I have. Mincing or chopping garlic is just a pain.

At least that’s what I thought until I got this little beauty - the garlic press.

Mincing garlic has never been easier; I use this for everything! Salad dressings, pasta, soups, you name it. Just peel the paper off by crushing the clove with the flat of a large knife, pop it in the chamber of the press and squeeze that goodness out through that small grid. Once you’re finished, run the tool immediately under hot water and set to dry, it’s as simple as that.

My garlic press is made by Oxo, find it here!


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